My Dead Girlfriend Review

Director: Brett Kelly

Cast: Brett Kelly, Caitlin Delaney, Anastasia Kimmett, John Muggleton, Ella Rose

Zombie films are a dime a dozen these days. They all seem to have the same kind of formula, zombies rising up from their graves to munch on the living, but that's where the latest Brett Kelly flick, MY DEAD GIRLFRIEND differs. This one is a horror-comedy that really delivers on the laughs and the gore.

Brett Kelly plays Steve, a college professor who just adores his girlfriend Amy. He wants to make the relationship a permanent one, but things go horribly wrong when he accidentally backs over her with his car, killing her instantly.

After constant interruptions, Steve goes about trying to revive his lady love by using one of her witchcraft books and it works...she is now one of the living dead.

To make sure that no one knows about this whole incident, he takes Amy to a cottage out in the woods, so they can be alone, but that's where the fun begins when their friends show up to have a little fun and Steve tries to hide the fact that Amy is dead.

Laughs and gore ensue!

MY DEAD GIRLFRIEND is quite possibly the best film that Brett Kelly has made thus far. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy all of his films, but I believe this one has a much better production value and has one of the best casts yet! Plus I think John Muggleton wrote one of the best scripts and I hope that him and Brett work together again in the near future.

Now, I don't know if Brett actually considered this when he was making this film, but as I was watching it, the first thing that I thought of was that this film reminded me of those 80's horror films that are set out in the woods. The only difference is that this one has a zombie in it. It worked out great, in so many ways!

Tempe Entertainment will be releasing MY DEAD GIRLFRIEND this fall and I hope that everyone picks it won't be sorry!


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