Shock-O-Rama Review

Director: Brett Piper

Cast: Misty Mundae, Julian Wells, A.J. Kahn, Caitlin Ross, Erika Smith, Rob Monkiewicz, Michael R. Thomas

The first time I ever saw a Brett Piper film was just 2 years ago, which I think was SCREAMING DEAD. I was quite impressed with what he came up for with that film. Next up was BITE ME and I knew that it couldn't get any better than this, but boy, was I ever wrong. I was fortunate enough to get a copy of Brett's newest film entitled SHOCK-O-RAMA, which is actually the name of the company that released this awesome flick. I love how that works out, like they are being spoofed themselves.

Anyway, SHOCK-O-RAMA stars Misty Mundae as famous horror actress, Rebecca Raven, who is so tired of being the object of sexual desire in the horror flicks that she stars in and when she gets ready to tell this to the studio execs, she gets fired from the company. After telling them off, she decides to take a vacation out to the country for some quality alone time. Of course that alone time turns to terror when a zombie shows up to cause havoc.

Meanwhile back at the studio the execs are trying to find a new actress to star in their next horror flick. That's not an easy task though, so they check out a couple past productions for a quick solution.

The first film is about some killer aliens that crash land in a salvage yard and come face to face with the pissed off owner. The second film is about a large brain that controls the dreams of sexy young woman for the purpose of experiencing human sensual pleasure.

Can the studio execs find that new actress that they are in need of or will they have to resort to getting Rebecca Raven back, if she hasn't already become zombie food yet?

So, what we have here is a movie-within-a-movie type of scenerio and those are some of my favorite type of flicks, whether it's horror or not, I have always thought those were really fun movies.

I loved the whole wraparound story involving Misty Mundae and the zombie. Those were some of the funniest scenes in the movies, especially when it got way too silly and used a three stooges approach to it. I loved the scene with the chainsaw. That was so freakin' hilarious, that I can't stop laughing because I think about it all the time.

I think the entire cast and crew did a splendid job and I've gotta give props to Brett Piper for the f/x, which I thought were amazing.

SHOCK-O-RAMA is one hell of a good time and I think everyone should check it out!

**** 1/2


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