Video Violence Review

Director: Gary Cohen
Cast: Paul Kaye, Art Neill, Jackie Neill, Bart Sumner, William Toddie
Back in the 80's, I remember going to these mom and pop video stores and heading straight for the horror section. Those were the good old days. Nothing like it is now, with big chains like Movie Gallery and Blockbuster.
This brings me to the movie that I am about to review entitled VIDEO VIOLENCE. As I was watching this film again, it brought back tons of memories. I don't mean what the actual movie is about, in which I will get to in a minute, but the video store that this movie takes place in. I used to go rent movies from a store like this one and I wonder if these types of video outlets even still exist. If they do, let me know because I miss them so!
But I digress....anyway, let me get on to what this movie is all about.
A video store owner has just discovered that the locals are not what they seem. All they want to rent are violent and gory horror flicks.
When a mysterious videotape is found among the many titles in this store that is not one of theirs, they come to find out that someone is making what appears to be real snuff tapes and sneaking them into the store for others to view.
The owner tries to get the sheriff to believe him, but without success, so it's up to him and his wife to figure out what the fuck is going on this new town that they have just moved to.
VIDEO VIOLENCE shows alot of heart when it comes to SOV types of flicks. Sure, you can tell that it was made with a video camera, but they sure knew how to create effective gore f/x, which really surprised me because I've seen alot of SOV films where they didn't know shit or even have the right resources to make good gore effects.
The acting in this movie was suspringly good. Even though this movie was done in New Jersey, you could've sworn that it was down somewhere down in the south, especially with the accents of these people in the movie. I loved the location, it reminded me so much of a little town down here with a local video shop and deli, not together mind you.
VIDEO VIOLENCE is one of the best SOV horror flicks that was released by the now defunct company Camp Video ( a company that I really miss!). Check this movie out!
**** 1/2