Last Rites of the Dead Review

Director: Marc Fratto

Cast: Gina Ramsden, Joshua Nelson, Christa McNamee, Constantine Taylor, Gaetano Iacono, J. Scott Green, Mary Jo Veruto, Kevin T. Collins

LAST RITES OF THE DEAD is the newest film from New York-based company, Insane-O-Rama and quite possibly the greatest zombie flick of our time, not counting Romero's zombie films, but that's another story that can and will be discussed at a different time.

After the success of Insane-O-Rama's vampire epic, STRANGE THINGS HAPPEN AT SUNDOWN, I was anxiously awaiting what the compnay would come up with next and how they could top such a great flick.

By George, I think they've done it!

LAST RITES OF THE DEAD follows the story of Angela, a young woman who has just been killed by her angry ex...however, Angela isn't dead....she's one of the undead. She's not the only one though, all over the world the recently deceased have come back to life and these are not your typical zombies either. They are organized, intelligent and crave the flesh of the living.

However, a crazed cult of undead terrorists and a militia of brutal zombie-hunting humans fight for dominance in the shadow of the apocalypse.

Now it's an all out war between the living and the dead and what we get is the ultimate showdown that will leave you wanting more.

LAST RITES OF THE DEAD is a breath of fresh air, sort of speak. I wasn't sure that these new zombie films that I have seen lately had any originality to them, but this film screams originiality and that made me so happy. I love watching zombie films that surprise me at every turn and Marc Fratto doesn't disaappoint.

I really enjoy reviewing screeners, but I am looking forward to the final release of this DVD, so I can get myself a copy and check out the extras and such that would be added, so I could go on and on.....hehe!

On a final note, LAST RITES OF THE DEAD is one of the smartest zombie flicks of recent years with great acting, intense dialogue/scenes and incredible f/x. As soon as the film gets released, hurry up and check it out!


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