Nudist Colony of the Dead Review

Director: Mark Pirro
Cast: Forrest J. Ackerman, Bea Lindoren, Rachel Latt, Braddon Mendelson, Darwyn Carson, Dan Hartel
In the early 90's, I used to listen to this radio show that was hosted by Dr. Demento. I'm sure everyone knows who I'm talking about, he used to play all kinds of novelty songs from back in the day. Well, I was more in tuned to his Halloween show every year and I will always remember one song he would always play called NUDIST COLONY OF THE DEAD. It was such a great song and one that you could just sing too...or maybe that was just me, I don't know.
Anyway, it wasn't until years later when I found out that this was a real...honest to goodness movie. I was quite surprised because I had never heard of it when I used to listen to the song, but always thought "man, what a cool movie this would be".
I tried my best to hunt down this movie because I was very anxious to see it. I'm not sure if I saw it in a catalogue or maybe I found it guess would be online though. I think I bought it at, but not 100 ure.
Well, when it finally got here, I popped it into the VCR and let me tell you, I had one of the greatest times watching what could be the cheesiest zombie-comedy-musical films I have ever seen. And yes, you heard me right, this movie IS a musical and a funny one at that.
The story revolves around a group of nudists who are forced out of their nudist camp by a bunch of religious fanatics. This doesn't set well with the nudists, so when they get back to their camp, they make a suicide pact and proceed to drink what seems to be poisoned punch or something like that. You know, pretty much the same way that Jim Jones did it many years ago. Anyway, the nudists dies, but not before vowing to come back for revenge.
Fast forward years later, a group of teens are sent on a religious retreat to the same area where the nudist camp used to be. While there, these nudists come back to life to exact their revenge with a little song, a little dance, ripping limbs off everywhere. You know what I'm talking about.
Will anyone survive this NUDIST COLONY OF THE DEAD?
As stated earlier, this is definitely one of the most cheesy zombie flicks I have ever seen. If it were to ever make it to DVD, I wouldn't be surprised if Troma would release it. It's pretty much right up there ally.
NUDIST COLONY OF THE DEAD does indeed have some naked bodies in it. No full frontal stuff, but it does have some boobs and a few asses. What would a movie about a nudist camp be without nudity anyway, right? There is one female in this movie that has the droopiest pair of boobs I have ever seen. I am happy to say that they were not really her's though. You can see as clear as day that she was wearing some kind of nude suit. Once you see her, you wouldn't be able to stop laughing.
This movie does have some blood in it, but none of it looks real. Many of the severed limbs looks like parts of a mannequin, but that's ok with me because I think they were going for more of a spoof then a serious zombie film.
I will say that I think it's the musical numbers that truly make this film. The songs are easy to remember and you can dance to them as well. Well, I don't dance, but I'm sure there are people out there that would.
NUDIST COLONY OF THE DEAD is one of the funniest and cheesiest zombie films ever and you if haven't seen it yet, I think you better hunt for a VHS copy as soon as you can!