Train Review

Starring: Thora Birch, Gideon Emery, Kavan Reece, Derek Magyar, Gloria Votsis, Todd Jensen, Vladimir Vladimirov, Koyna Ruseva, Valentin Ganev

Director: Gideon Raff

An American championship wrestling team, traveling through Eastern Europe, board a train headed to the Ukraine, but on this train, they are headed into hell.

The first time I had heard about this movie being made, they had said it was going to be a remake of Terror Train, which I was actually looking forward to. However, I guess they took everything into a different direction as they have turned it into what you can call it "Hostel on a train".

I've never really been a fan of torture porn, as I still haven't seen the Hostel flicks, but for some reason, Train just drew me in and I am so glad that I finally watched it.

The torture scenes were great and brutal. All of the gore was so impressive and that's what I always look for in a horror movie. I was glued to the screen during the entire flick.

Everyone did a great job, but damn, Thora Birch kicked all sorts of ass. Her revenge was intense as hell.

After watching Train, I'm going to have to go and watch the Hostel flicks. I highly recommend this one.


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