Headless Review

Starring: Shane Beasley, Kelsey Carlisle, Ellie Church, Dave Parker, Kaden Miller, Jennifer Lee, Haley Madison, Brian Williams, Matt Keeley

Director: Arthur Cullipher

Claiming to be a "lost slasher film from 1978" this film is about a  skull-masked killer, who goes on an extremely gruesome murder spree that also includes cannibalism and necrophilia.

The first thing I need to say about this film is....HOLY SHIT! I can't remember if I have ever reacted to a movie like this at all, but that is really saying something.

Shane Beasley, who played the killer did an incredible job. As he is butchering his victims, we gets to see his past through flashbacks and how he slowly descended into madness, which you kinda feel sorry for him at times.

I am a huge gorehound and I can say that this movie made me happy. The killer doesn't just kill his victims, but he also cuts up their bodies, eats their eyeballs and decapitates them. Not only that, but he also fucks their decapitated heads, which I have never seen before, but I loved those scenes. That was some fucked up shit there.

The filmmakers made you think this movie was made back in 1978, which was a nice touch. I also loved the fact it looked like you were watching a VHS, which also included a fake trailer at the beginning for a movie called "Wolf Baby".

"Headless" is a wickedly fucked up bloodbath that every true gorehound should see. You won't be sorry.


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