Hell Fire Review

Starring: J. Scott Green, Katelyn Marie Marshall, Selene Beretta, Jennice Carter, Kasey Williams, Ray Chao

Director: Marc Fratto

A group of prostitutes turns to an extremely violent home invasion to make some quick cash, but what they don't know is that the hostage they take with them is actually the Antichrist and all hell is about to break loose.

I have been a fan of Marc Fratto's work ever since I first saw Strange Things Happen At Sundown, a wild vampire flick that was full of violence. Same thing goes for Last Rites of the Dead, which was his zombie flick. 

So, where does that leave Hell Fire? Well, let you tell you one thing, you are in for one hell of a wild ride.

The actresses that played the prostitutes did a great job. I did feel sorry for some of these women, but Rosetta was one cruel bitch, who didn't care who she killed.

J. Scott Green, who portrayed The Antichrist was actually fun to watch. Some of his dialogue was pretty witty, but the evil look in his eyes was very wicked. He did an outstanding job. Also, I must say that he kind of reminded me of Charles Manson and you know that is one scary dude.

The gore and special effects were incredibly impressive, especially the demonic transformations. 

Hell Fire is a fun, violent wild ride with lots of blood throughout. I only have one suggestion....DON'T FUCK WITH THE ANTICHRIST.


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