Kill That Bitch Review
Starring: Bloodcountess Bathory, Jessica Cook, Josh Eal, Elysia S. Gipson, Haley Madison, Mandi Monroe, Dave Parker, Erin R. Ryan, Brandon Salkil
Director: Dustin Wayde Mills
A group of women are brutally slain by some psychotic killer who shares a dark secret that connects them.
Kill That Bitch was the first movie I got to see from Dustin Wayde Mills and I have to say that it was quite interesting. I was surprised that it only runs 68 minutes because I feel that more could've been explained as to what the entire connection was between the characters. I felt that was briefly talked about, but more could have been said.
The acting was pretty good, especially that of Erin R. Ryan, who I am more familiar with after watching some other idie horror flicks that she is in. I can't wait to see more from her.
The death scenes were pretty brutal and that's always a plus with me, even though you can tell how low budget some of the gore and special effects were.
Kill That Bitch had a lot going for it, beautiful women being brutally slaughtered and an ending that I didn't see coming from a mile away. I'm looking forward to seeing more from Dustin.