Wolfster (Part 1): The Curse of the Emo Vamp Review

Director: Steve Rudzinski

Cast: Shawn Shelpman, Steve Rudzinski, Keegan Teel, Jessie Deep, Christine Schwesinger, Nic Pesante

Back in May, I was introduced to the crazy world of Dark Mullet Cinema when I purchased a movie entitled LEGENDS.

Upon viewing this little film, I was quite impressed. I really didn't know what to expect, but it came highly recommended and I am so glad that I checked it out.

I might do a review of LEGENDS later on, but right now I'm doing this review of Dark Mullet Cinema's latest production called WOLFSTER (PART 1): THE VURSE OF THE EMO VAMP.

That is such a great title, isn't it?

Dave is having a terrible day. His best friend has forced him to go on a date with a girl who isn't quite his fancy. Not only that, but a vampire has moved into town and he wants a pet werewolf and he chooses Dave to be that werewolf.

When this emo vamp starts reading his bad poetry halfway through his spell it causes Dave to be able to keep his free will and control his werewolf transformations.

However, there is another side effect that Dave is going through, he knows that he's in a movie.Will Dave get rid of the emo vamp?

Will he turn into a full werewolf? Is he just in a movie? I guess you'll have to find out when you watch...WOLFSTER ( PART 1): THE CURSE OF THE EMO VAMP.

Steve Rudzinski sure knows how to make fun of himself and that's a great thing, I must say. This movie isn't meant to be taken seriously, it's a spoof and that's what I really love.

The scenes of Dave with Deacon Sloan (that's a reference to the film MARTY JENKINS AND THE VAMPIRE BITCHES. Once you watch it, you'll understand. And btw, why the hell haven't you seen MARTY JENKINS yet? Have you gone mental? It's a great movie...dammit! Ah well, let me continue on....) are priceless. I really enjoy the presence that Nic Pesante gives on screen and hopes he will continue to do so and hopefully he will portray Deacon Sloan once again (maybe in the sequel? hint hint!)

I think everyone did an excellent job and I think Steve should be very proud of himself. He came up with such a great story, portrayed the main character (he played Dave for those that haven't seen it yet) and even edited it together. Now that is seriously alot of work that was put into this film...or maybe not, it looks it to me and that's my opinion, dammit!

WOLFSTER (PART 1): THE CURSE OF THE EMO VAMP is a hilarious little spoof that will have you rolling on the floor with laughter and I hope that a part 2 will be coming soon because I need more of this kind of fun cinema.

Steve Rudzinski and Dark Mullet Cinema freakin' rules! Check out this movie as soon as possible. I highly recommend it!


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