Cannibal Sisters 2006 Review

Director: Andrew Shearer

Cast: Natalie Cardona, Melisa Cardona, Mitsu Bitchi, Monica Puller, Arinn Dembo

Back in 2004, I had the pleasure of checking out a short film called CANNIBAL SISTERS. It was a disturbing and pretty freaky little film that was directed by Andrew Shearer. If I'm not mistaken, I think I was the first person to have gotten the chance to check it out, that is before it was included on a DVD for the film DISASTER FOR CHRISTMAS.

Anyway, fast forward 2 years later to the news that Andrew was going to be remaking his own film. I'm not too big on remakes, but I just knew that he could pull it off and let me tell you, he did not disappoint. I believe that the cast he got for this version is even better, although Monica Puller is in both versions, but for very different roles. It all worked out in such an unbelievable way that I never thought that this version could be even more freaky than the original.

The plot is basically similar.

A man attemps to rob a young woman after he forces her into her house and ties her up. When he looks around for some cash, he stumbles upon a dead body. However, when he goes back to confront the woman with what he saw, she turns the tables on him and ties him up only to be the next meal for herself and her...cannibal sisters!

Andrew has definitely progressed as a filmmaker and it shows. The look and the feel are quite impressive and I was also impressed with the f/x.

I think Mitsu Bitchi had one of the best roles. She portrayed a character named Rose, who looks and acts like a child. It was definitely a different role that she normally plays and I thought she did a great job!

From the opening the shot to the final moments, CANNIBAL SISTERS is one hell of a freaky ride. Make sure to check it out when it's included in the anthology, FACES OF SCHLOCK 3.


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