I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer Review

Director: Sylvain White
Cast: Brooke Nevin, David Paetkau, Torrey DeVitto, Ben Easter, Seth Packard, K.C. Clyde, Clay Taylor, Michael Flynn
When I first heard that there was going to be a new flick in the I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER franchise, I was expecting Jennifer Love Hewett and Freddie Prinze Jr to reprise their roles. At least that was the rumor last year, but we all know that alot of rumors don't come true.
I'LL ALWAYS KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER (catchy title, ain't it?) was recently released on DVD, my sister picked it up for me at Movie Gallery, with a brand new cast and a new location.
During a 4th of July celebration, a group of teens decides to play a prank on everyone at the local carnival with one of their friends' dressed as the fisherman with the hook.
We all remember him from the first 2 in the series.
Anyway, they thought the prank went off without a hitch, but soon finds out that one of their friends was accidentally killed during this ruckus.
The friends band together and promise never to tell what happened of this incident...that they are supposed to take it to their graves. Poor choice of words, huh?
Now it's a year later. They have all returned to this town and someone knows what really happened the year before as they start getting mysterious messages. They play it off as maybe a prank, but things go from bad to worse as these friends are being brutally killed one by one.
Can they figure out who is doing the killing before it's too late?
When I first popped the DVD into the player, I really wasn't expecting much at all. I love watching slasher flicks, but they are all so predictable. This one is no different because you know what's going to happen next. However, I actually didn't see that ending coming, which made me very happy. I'm not going to say what happens, you'd have to watch it yourself.
The acting was pretty decent, especially from people that I don't really know. I'd have to look the names up, just to make sure about that, but none of them seemed familiar to me. The gore was pretty good too. It's not really all that gory, but with what their was, made me quite impressed.
If you're not sure that you want to add this movie to your collection, then I suggest that you rent it first, like I did, which is rare for me, since I usually buy movies before watching them. That's a huge flaw of mine, but hey, I collect horror movies, so there!
Anyway, check out this decent slasher flick. I think you'd be surprised at how good it really is.