The Beginning and Beyond

When I first started Gates of Gore, I never thought that it would become this big. 

I started doing reviews back in 2002. but it wasn't until 2003 that I created Gates of Gore. If you didn't know where I got the name, Gates of Gore came from a company that specialized in import horror movies from around the world. The company was located here in Mississippi and I really got to know the owner. I was disappointed when he told me that he was going to have to close shop. He was a very nice guy and I always loved the name of the company. Well, when I needed a name for my website, I always remembered the name, Gates of Gore and well, there ya go.

In 2013, due to a loss in the family I really thought about giving up Gates of Gore. I didn't have the energy to keep it going and just didn't care anymore. However, it's now 2015 and Gates of Gore is going stronger then ever. 

First off, I want to thank everyone that has stuck with me from the beginning and that keeps on supporting me on my ventures.

Secondly, I want to thank Mary Goff and Mitch Penman for becoming what Gates of Gore is now, a kickass company that has many projects in the works that no one will ever believe. They are also responsible and hugely involved with The Trail of Satan, the horror script that I am currently writing that is going to be the biggest gorefest that anyone has ever seen.

Bigger things will be coming, just wait......


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