Camp Massacre Review

Starring: Jim O'Rear, Daniel Emery Taylor, Dick Warlock, Bree Olson, Al Snow, T.J. Moreschi. Nicholas Huntsman, Scott  Tepperman, Ava Cronin, Megan Hunt

Director: Jim O'Rear and Daniel Emery Taylor

A group of overweight men participate in a new reality-based weight loss competition show to win a million dollars, but things go horribly wrong when someone is killing them off one by one.

Ever since I had heard about this film, I have been wanting to see it. I am addicted to slashers, so I knew that this would be up my ally. I was hoping that the filmmakers would not go down the same road as a previous film that I had the displeasure of checking out called "The Hospital". At some point, I'll have to do a review of it and you'll understand why, if you've never seen it. 

The gore effects was something else. You can tell how fake it all was. Even the machete that was used looked ridiculous. The blood and guts was funny as hell. At least it was all practical and not shitty CGI effects that I truly hate more than anything.

The actors did a really good job with what was given to them and you can see that they were having a great time with it. I think the only thing that I was disappointed with was that porn-star Bree Olson was only in the beginning and she is featured on the cover, which is misleading. However, for someone that does porn, she can act, which is quite rare. I do hope to see her in more horror films.

"Camp Massacre" is a fun ride, but be prepared, this movie is over 2 hours long. At least it wasn't boring.


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