It Follows Review

Starring: Maika Monroe, Keir Gilchrist, Olivia Luccardi, Lili Sepe, Jake Weary, Daniel Zovatto, Debbie Williams, Ruby Harris

Director: David Robert Mitchell

After a sexual encounter, a young woman is being followed by some supernatural force in human form, that is until she either passes it to another sexual partner or this thing kills her.

First of all, let me say that after watching the trailer, I really wanted to check this one out. It looked quite unique in it's subject matter and something that I could get into. However, I was so wrong.

It started off strong and creepy, wondering what was going to happen next, but after this girl had sex and she finds out that she's going to be followed by something strange, it was basically the same damn thing throughout the entire movie. I'm actually surprised that I made it to the end, I was so bored.

I will say that the acting was good, especially for a movie with a bunch of unknowns, I just wish they got a lot more out of this, except running away from whatever is following them and having sex to pass it, expecially one sex scene in the hospital. That was ridiculous. And then when the end came, well, it just ended without explanation.

There was 2 death scenes in the entire movie and there could've been more. I guess that's why I usually stay away from supernatural flicks. I expect more and then get let down big time. "It Follows" was a big let down, I'm sorry to say. I would love to see these actors do another horror flick, but maybe something that is bloody and not just running, screaming and screwing. I have a feeling that if it wasn't for the sex, it would've been rated PG-13 instead.

"It Follows" was a 100 minute movie of nothing interesting going on, not even the sex was interesting, in my book. If you must see it, then wait to rent it.


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