The House On Sorority Row Review

Director: Mark Rosman
Cast: Kate McNeil, Eileen Davidson, Janis Ward, Robin Meloy, Harley Jane Kozak, Jodi Draigie, Ellen Dorsher, Lois Kelso Hunt
I absolutely adore slashers. I've probably mentioned that way too many times, but it's true and I will continue to say it until everyone knows it.
I love watching an unknown killer, whether he's wearing a mask or not...slicing and dicing through flesh, especially those of stupid young college students...sorority girls to be exact. I'm not jealous of the sorority girls, even though I know for a fact that I would've never been excepted by any of them...but I digress.
I was picking out some horror films to watch for the past Halloween season...well, just a few days ago and I saw my copy of THE HOUSE ON SORORITY ROW. I know it's on DVD, but I don't have that version, I just have the old Vestron Video that I had gotten from ebay a few years ago.
Vestron used to release some great horror flicks back in the day until they went out of business, but I'll talk about that at a later time. Maybe I'll write an article or something..that would be quite cool.
Anyway, back to my review of THE HOUSE ON SORORITY ROW.
A group of girls decide to stay a bit longer in their sorority house to get prepared for their graduation party.
However, their house mother is dead set against them staying there as she always closes up during the summer months.
After a terrible run-in...basically one of them was caught having sex and the girl's waterbed was slashed to's decided that they will play a cruel prank on the woman. However, the prank goes awry and the woman ends up dead.
In a panic, the girls try to hide the body by covering it up and sinking it at the bottom of the pool.
Things seem to be going ok, but that's an understatement as someone knows what they did and they want to get revenge.
One by one, the girls begin disappearing (we know that someone is killing them) until there's only one left to confront this madman. Or is it madwoman?
I guess you'll have to find out what happens when you watch THE HOUSE ON SORORITY ROW.
As stated earlier, I love slashers. I really can't express that enough. However, I didn't say that the slashers from the 80's are the absolute best. I just think they are a slice of cheesy pie...hehe! I would rather watch a slasher from the 80's then all the crap that is being released these days...indies not included in that statement.
THE HOUSE ON SORORITY ROW is a great slasher piece from the 80's that I really enjoy. It's quite cheesy and the death scenes are pretty gory, especially the one scene where you see a girl's head in the toilet. You just don't see scenes like that anymore!
This film is one of Eileen Davidson's earlier roles. Who would've thought that she would now star in one of the most popular daytime soap ever (THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS)? I guess from watching her performance in this movie that you can see that she had potential from back in the day to become a huge success. She had that bitchy role down pat, I must say...hehe! Plus she had a brief sex scene too and yes, she does appear nude...topless mostly...hehe!
Anyway, I highly recommend THE HOUSE ON SORORITY ROW. If you love cheesy slashers then seek this flick out. You won't be disappointed!