Child's Play (2019) Review

Cast: Aubrey Plaza, Gabriel Bateman, Brian Tyree Henry, Mark Hamill, Tim Matheson, Marlon Kazadi, Beatrice Kitsos, Ty Consiglio

Director: Lars Klevberg

A young boy named Andy receives an interactive Buddi doll from his mother as an early birthday present, but what he doesn't know is that this particular doll had previously been maliciously reprogrammed and will soon go on a gory killing rampage all in the name of a best friend.

Hollywood is still at it with all these remakes and now we get CHILD'S PLAY. Why? I get that they don't have many ideas of there own, but why mess with this franchise that is actually still going strong. The last one just came out 2 years ago, but what can we do? We just don't have a say in the matter.

With that being said, let me talk about this film.

I was a bit hesitant going in because the original CHILD'S PLAY is such a classic and for the most part, remakes are a bit of a disappointment, unless you get the right people involved. Nope, not with this one. First of all, the look of Chucky is all wrong. What made the original Chucky so scary was that he looked terrifying and menacing. Not with this film. Being an interactive doll, Chucky moved like a robot and I really hated that. He really didn't have much in the way of emotions, he looked so stiff, it was frustrating.

The actors did do a decent job, dealing with such an iconic villain, so I really do give props to them. When I found out that Mark Hamill was doing the voice of Chucky, I got pretty excited, even though I was never a STAR WARS fan at all. I thought, this just might be good after all, but I was so wrong. His voice just wasn't scary, at least not to me. I give him a lot of credit though. He did his best, but just wasn't good enough.

The original CHILD'S PLAY didn't have much blood or any at all, but this remake actually has some pretty damn gory scenes, including death by lawnmower and being sawed in half. However, my favorite scene happens close to the end. I don't want to reveal that for those who haven't seen it yet, but it was the one of the best parts in the movie.

The one thing that pisses me off most when it comes to horror movies is when they feel the need to include animals because we know, for the most part what their fate is going to be. I don't care what happens to the humans, but leave the poor animals alone. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

In the end, the remake of CHILD'S PLAY is a decent one time watch, but we really didn't need it. I didn't hate it and I didn't love it. Plus, I have a feeling that a sequel will be on the horizon. The good news is that a CHILD'S PLAY TV series is planned and I am pretty excited about that.


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