Leatherface Review

Cast: Stephen Dorff, Vanessa Grasse, Sam Strike, Lili Taylor, Chris Adamson, Finn Jones, James Blood, Jessica Madsen, Sam Coleman

Director: Julian Maury and Alexandre Bustillo

After the murder of a Texas Ranger's daughter, young Jed Sawyer was taken into custody and placed in a mental hospital.

10 years later, Jed was given a new identity for his own protection. After a revolt from the other patients, Jed and a few others escape into the Texas badlands with the Texas lawmen out for blood and the Sawyer clan out to retrieve one of their own.

Blood will be shed and Leatherface will be born.

What the hell was this? I'm not usually hard on any movies. I always give them a biting chance, but it felt like a chore just to get through it and that hurts me.

Leatherface is a prequel to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise and I was so disappointed. I actually felt like I wasn't even watching a Texas Chainsaw Massacre film at all.

What they gave us was a character-driven piece instead of an all out horror film, like I am used to. When you are a huge fan of an iconic villain that you grew up with, why do they think it's ok to all of a sudden give them a back story. For me, not knowing is scarier than anything else. I don't want to think where they came from, I want to be terrified.

The filmmakers could've given a bit more effort, but it seemed extremely rushed just to get it out there after the successful, Texas Chainsaw 3D, which I thought was a great movie. Plus, I think this was the only TCM film that was not released to theaters. That was a really big mistake.

I have to give it to all the actors. They did try to give it their all, especially Stephen Dorff and Lili Taylor, but it just  didn't help that much with the outcome, especially with such a weak script. Everyone should be given another chance, if they decide to do a follow-up.

There was some cool gore scenes, including one involving some pigs. I just wish there could've been more. The one thing that disappointed me the most was that a chainsaw was only used twice and it didn't seem right to me.

I think Leatherface should've been a sequel more than anything else. If you must check this it out, then do so. I will say that this movie was better than Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation and that's not really saying much.


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