Lost After Dark Review

Starring: Sarah Fisher, Mark Wiebe, Jesse Camacho, Kendra Leigh Timmins, David Lipper, Robert Patrck, Elise Gatien, Justin Kelly

Director: Ian Kessner

A group of high school students sneaks away from their school dance to travel out to a cabin in the woods for some fun, but when their ride gets broken down, they find themselves at the home of a known cannibal.

I have been so disappointed with the amount of slashers that gets made these days. They are either poorly made or just plain boring, but Lost After Dark was a really nice surprise.

First of all, it's set in 1984 and watching a retro-style horror movie is always fun because I am obsessed with horror movies from the 80's and it brings back great memories from that time in my life. And with this being a cannibalistic slasher, it made it much better.

The acting was actually better then I thought it would be. I didn't know most of these actors, except for Sarah Fisher, from Degrassi and Robert Patrick, but everyone did an amazing job. The only thing that bothers me is when they have to include animals in the mix because you know what's going to happen to them.

The death scenes were great, brutal and gory. Some of the death scenes were quite surprising too. I really hope they make a sequel, this needs one.

Finally, Lost After Dark is a fun, gory retro-style slasher that you need to check out. I highly recommend it.


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