Girls Gone Dead Review

Starring: Katie Pearson, Caley Hayes, Shea Stewart, Ryan Keely, Brandy Whitford, Jerry Lawler, Linnea Quigley, Ron Jeremy, Beetlejuice, Shawn C. Phillips

A group of sexy college girls go on spring break for a little bit of rowdy fun, but little do they know that they will be faced with a huge dilemma....a blood thirsty maniac wielding a medieval war hammer is hot on their trail and this killer will be slashing and hacking his way through all the sex crazed party goers just to get to them.

I am a really huge fan of Michael A. Hoffman's films. From Sigma Die to Spring Break Massacre to ROT: Reunion of Terror, I was wondering what kind of mayhem he could create next....but lo and behold...he gives of GIRLS GONE DEAD.

In my honest opinion, slashers are the greatest form of entertainment. I love when the killers hacks their way into people's lives leaving a trail of blood and gore in their wake. GIRLS GONE DEAD makes no exception to this rule. I have to say that the killer in this flick is quite unique....he's dressed as a monk and wielding a war hammer, which I've never seen in any other film of this type and I've seen tons of weapons used before.

I think everyone did an amazing job. The cast is really excellent, although I wish some of them had bigger parts like Linnea Quigley, Ron Jeremy and Shawn C. Phillips...but they all did really great. What surprised me the most was the very small cameo of Iron Maiden drummer Nicko McBrain. I am a huge Iron maiden fan, so that made me incredibly happy!

GIRLS GONE DEAD is full of blood, gore, mayhem and hot girls. Gates of Gore gives this movie it's seal of approval. Don't miss it!


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