Demon Slaughter Review

Director: Ryan Cavalline

Cast: Adam Berasi, Vic Badger, Bill Wittman, Shannon Johnson, Eddie Benevich, Peter Blessel

All Jimmy wanted to do was to get out of the mob business, but it wasn't as easy as he thought. With his mob associates out to kill him, Jimmy takes off with a stash of stolen cash to a deserted cabin to hide out. However, Jimmy is not alone as he is met up by a demonic figure and a horde of zombies.

Will Jimmy get out of this alive?

Demon Slaughter is the first flick that I got to watch from Ryan Cavalline's 4th Floor Pictures and I have to say that I was quite impressed. I have been wanting to see Ryan's films for some time now and it was well worth all the waiting that I did.

First of all, let me say that the only disappointment that I had with this film was the running time, at only 62 minutes. I got so involved with it, I wanted it to be longer then it was. The time flew by so fast. However, with all the action that was going on, you would be able to understand why it just seemed to go by so fast.

The acting in Demon Slaughter was terrific. I thought the entire cast did an exceptional job, expecially that of Adam Berasi, who played Jimmy. I got so involved with this character that I couldn't decide if I liked him at all or wanted to hate him. Or that I just wanted to feel sorry for him. I really hope to see more from him in the near future because he is an awesome actor!
Some of the scenes were great, especially the gunbattles and the zombie attacks. I was also very impressed with the melting demon scene. I thought that was one of the best scenes in this movie.

Demon Slaughter is one of the coolest indie horror films to date and I think Ryan Cavalline did a fantastic job.


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