Zombarella's House of Whorrors Review

Directed by: Tony Masiello and Tim Ritter Remember the good old days of USA Up All Night back in the 90's? Those were the best times and those great memories were brought back with Zombarella's House of Whorrors. Very beautiful and very busty Zombarella presents it's viewers with a SOV suck fest called Tales From the Mausoleum from director Fred Olen Wood. We are also presented with lots of commercials, trailers and 1-900 numbers to titilate your senses. First of all, I didn't know what I was in for when I started watching Zombarella's House of Whorrors, but from the very beginning I smiled the entire time. I remember staying up late night watching these kinda of programs including all those adult 1-900 numbers and this film made me extremely happy. Some of them were a bit ridiculous, but I had a lot of fun watching them. I think my favorites are 1-900-Get-Cream and 1-900-Date-A-Mate. I'd call them if I could. I loved all the trailers that are includ...