Texas Chainsaw Review

THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE is the ultimate classic horror movie. I have loved it since I was a kid and I love it to this day. I even get a kick out of the sequels....well, the first 2 sequels I should say. I hated THE NEXT GENERATION with a passion. It was the worst thing I have ever seen. I actually can't say anything about the remake or the sequel to that remake because I have never seen them and really don't have any desire to, as a matter of fact. That's no big deal for me because I hate most remakes anyway. When I first heard that a new TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE movie was on the horizon, I had no expectation at all. The trailer looked cool and all, but I wasn't sure if I really wanted to see it. I finally decided to check it out because I knew that it couldn't be any worse than THE NEXT GENERATION, right? This movie is set in 1974 right after the events of the original TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE occurred (thanks to footage of the original movie). A group ...